What does it mean to be a good person? Who decides about right and wrong? Which core values matter and how do you use them to find meaning and purpose in life? These are some of the big questions people are asking today as we look around at divisiveness and conflict. And I have good news for you. Humans have been asking these questions for a long time, and there are some very good books that can help you find the answers.
While researching for the book, Rooted in Decency, I read hundreds of resources on values and morality, from the classics to the lastest science about how our brains and bodies works together to help us make moral choices and find meaning in life. I read books that explain where values come from, which ones matter, and how we use our values to make moral choices and to be a good person. But let me save you some time! These are some of the most interesting and readable books about values, morality, and being a good person.
Which books on values made the list
In the sections below, you’ll find some of the best books on values and being a good person for adults as well as for children. You’ll find books on values from secular, scientific, and religious perspectives so I’ve written some notes to help you narrow the list to find the book that best meets what you want to know about being a good person and creating your moral compass. Side note, these pages include affiliate links but that's not why I chose to recommend the books.