Common Decency- it's actually in our DNA. Learn more about how doing a reset on fundamentally human behaviors can help improve a toxic workplace and build a more positive workplace culture.
Find out more in this article by Colleen Doyle Bryant in Training Mag Online.
The incivility we’re seeing throughout society is having an impact on workplace behavior, and it’s not good. For all the effort companies have put into training workers on soft skills, emotional intelligence, and team orientation, have people lost a basic sense of what it means to be a decent, honest, respectful human?
Common decency is about how humans treat each other to build trust, fairness, and cooperation. It comes from a long human history, across cultures and time, because humans have evolved to know that working with others is good for us. When we act with common decency, our bodies and our brains release chemicals that help us know what we’re doing is in our best interest.
Learn more about respect and common decency in Colleen's book, Rooted in Decency.