How do you raise kids and teens to be decent adults? Listen in for practical tips and important insights about how to teach kids and teens about being honest, respectful, and responsible with common decency expert, Colleen Doyle Bryant, and Child Development Expert, Erin Royer, MA, on this episode of Parenting Beyond Discipline Podcast.
Explore topics on raising kids and teens with decency like these:
- Why it's important your kids aren't lying to make you happy
- Which core values are the most important for kids and teens future success in life
- How to use consequences to relate honesty with building trust
- What's the real advice teens want to help them be succesful in life
If your kid’s in the habit of lying to protect your feelings or so you won’t think ill of them, what happens when they’re older and their problems are bigger? When you have a teenager you want them to know they can come to you and tell you the truth and you’ll still love them, and it’ll be ok, and you’ll help them through it, and that they don’t need to protect you from what’s really happening in their lives.
Another great thing as you’re giving consequences is to have them relate to trust. So if [your child has] lied about something where you can take away a privilege , where it’s like, “Well I can’t trust you to use this responsibly, so you’re going to have to earn back my trust,” that helps them connect the fact that honesty equals trust. It [becomes] worth it to [them] to behave and make choices that build a precedent that people know [they] can be trustworthy.